Archive for the ‘ technology ’ Category

T – 4 Days

-till classes start…yes I’m nervous. 🙂

I attended Wentworth’s orientation for “Colored” students (yes, colored??) yesterday.

It was very informative. We participated in activities that were designed to help us connect with each other. Several of WIT’s student resource departments gave presentations on what they do and how they can help us. We also had two lecture-style classes on transitioning into college from high school and succeeding in college.

My appreciation for my independent schooling experience grows with every bit of college information that I receive. I really believe that being an independent student will help me better face the challenges of college because I already know certain key things, such as the fact that my education is my sole responsibility.

I spent my first night on campus last night. I also had to face the challenge of “household” shopping last night. I don’t know where anything is…and there are soooo many things to get. I have new respect for my mom…but I have helped/been watching her and tried to emulate her efficiency. 🙂 At least everything was in English. I remember similar shopping in Amsterdam…where everything is in Dutch. 🙂

I have orientation in a couple minutes so I’d best be on my way.


Testing….(MarsEdit this time)

I’m testing MarsEdit right now (a trial version of course). Not happy with Qumana’s lack of spell check for HTML…not happy about not being able to publish the same post to multiple blogs (in Ecto). Having difficulty setting up Bleezer with my self-hosted blog.

So far MarsEdit has spell check and a nice smooth interface…let’s check posting capabilities.


Acting “Black” – an aspiration

I’d like to share a piece I wrote. I’m particularly posting this in honor of the opening of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial on the National Mall this week. This is a first draft. It is actually part of an essay that I wrote for a scholarship application.

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “acting black”? How would you describe what is meant by that term. How accurate, factual, is your description?
To those of you who are African-American, or any other “black”, how important is your heritage to you? How important is it that you have a correct perception of your heritage? How do you think our perception of our heritage shapes who we are? What effect does it have on the larger scale (how we interact with others, how others interact with us)?

Do you aspire to “act black”?

Food for thought.

Acting “Black”

I was born to a young couple, who, while they were not of remarkable economic status possessed a quality of person and well bred manner which they sought to instill in their children. They sought to foster our natural curiosity and train our minds in wholesome ways, giving us glimpses into the worlds of, nature, science, culture and art and encouraging us to explore the beckoning beyond. To this end, my parents decided to home-school us. They sought to surround us with positive social and cultural situations through church, youth groups, Pathfinders (similar to Boy scouts), and supported travel opportunities.

It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child. For me the “village” came most strongly into play at 12 when my family was introduced to the community Fab Lab program at a local tech center. (Fab Labs started as an MIT outreach project and are internationally connected, digital fabrication laboratories whose purpose is to give lay people access to high-end technology for innovation and personal problem solving – technology such as is typically found in well endowed research labs.) My “Fab Family” (the MIT folks involved in Fab Labs) guided and inspired me as I learned to use the tools in the lab and supported me as I went from a user to a contributor and eventually began developing curricula to teach young people math, science, engineering and technology in the Fab Labs.

If you accede our society’s oftentimes-arbitrary stereotypes, you might be surprised to learn that my family is African American. The “black” culture, as presented by mainstream media could be described by and abundance of crass, irresponsible behavior. It’s a culture of people who live for the most part in either poverty or extreme wealth, the wealth being derived from occupations that destroy society. The people are portrayed as violent, insolent, unproductive, under-educated, out of control. We are depicted as prioritizing appearances over substance and as having an aversion to upward movement and engaging in activities that would benefit those around us. We are portrayed as the party people who can sing, dance and play ball –and very little else.

This is portrayed as “the way to be”. They call it “acting black”. We have to “be hard”. Being well spoken is often considered a bad thing.

I am a person who knows better. I’ve seen both sides of the coin. My parents and grandparents have always told me about my heritage – that of the African-American Diaspora. The story of my people is the story of a people in harsh servitude, ground into the dust and yet alive. The story of the African-American is a story of a people dealt with in violence and heartlessness, which were able to respond with peace. Our story is the story of the men and woman who built the world’s greatest country. With their blood, sweat and tears they watered it’s fields. With hope in their hearts they longed for their “inalienable right(s) to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Even when it was illegal, they learned to read and write. Our leaders were the ones who did everything in their power to obtain an education – knowing that it was the golden key to success. They were the ones who, once they had achieved, reached back to lend a hand and help someone else up. They were the ones who braved brutality and injustice so that I could have a better chance. I know what it truly means to “act black”. It means to strive towards better, and to help your neighbor get there too.

I was born at the crossroads of these twain perceptions, and, like the wind and rain carve out the landscape, these cultural forces have helped carve me into the person I am today. I have been described as “with it”, “capable” “confident” and a “strong leader”. Why?
I’ve been able to make an informed decision, partly because I’ve seen both worlds. For a time, my family of six lived in a one-bedroom apartment with prostitutes, gangbangers, drug dealers and drunks on the next floor. The place where we currently live is rife with violence, ignorance and irresponsible behavior. I’ve made a conscious decision to dream and go higher instead of lower.

I want to be a consequential force for good, not just in my neighborhood – but also in the world. I am interested, inquisitive, and place a high value on my education. I see myself as a bridge, a helping hand, to those who will follow in the footsteps of our great African-American leaders, embrace our heritage, dream past what we don’t have, and cross over into the sun of a better life.

Just a few minutes ago, as I Googled “blogging software” – it hit me. I was reading one blogger’s take on a particular desktop publishing application when I realized “I’m a blogger”. I think this is the first time I’ve really “felt” like one. Hmmm…this is interesting. At any rate, as I now have two blogs with identical content (this one and the one hosted on my server [that one is still under aesthetic development but is online:]) and numbers three and four in the making (not with identical content), I need a desktop publishing/blogging tool. I saw one for windows, but I need one for OSX. And it needs to be free (this is already costing me enough lol). What do you use? Experience is the best review tool. 🙂

What a day, what a day. This morning I went out to the park with my mom and dad… We walked/jogged/ran about 2 miles. (I’m not sure what kind of delusion I was under to suppose that I might be able to keep up with him…especially in my lack of shape.)
My mom is a runner and my dad is just an antelope. I am short, with short legs and I’ve only just started (again, in the last couple of weeks) going out and speed walking. I’m trying to build up to running – but I was there today. It actually went much better than I thought it would. I’ll just be the short antelope. (Lol). I did my couple hundred yard sprint that I like to do at the end and it hurt. I did finish it and then raced my mom in a hundred yard dash. Smh. Then we went home and went out to play basketball with the guys.
Needless to say, between that, the lab marathon this afternoon and the fact that I spent the vast majority of last night working on my website – I am exhausted.
I felt awesome today but I don’t even want to imagine how I’ll feel in the next couple days. :S I’m still going out in the morning. I will not be a victim of inertia (or fear of pain).

The lab was full today. This time mostly kids. We helped with the development and printing of 6 t-shirts (I’m pretty sure that’s a record). Here’s a t-shirt one of my girls made (she’s 7 or 8):


Fab 7 – Happening now in Lima, Peru

Fab7 is happening in Peru. We were able to connect via video conference for the initial meeting of the International Fab Lab Association. I may serve on one of the committees. We’re voting today and tomorrow I think. There is another meeting tomorrow. I’ll post some videos another time.

I christened the new milling machine with its first bit of copper and PCB dust today. 🙂

I tried to cut out the one layer lilypad, but after some software issues, I got this:

My mom made a really cool t-shirt:

I’m starting to speak English with a French accent. -_-


From t-shirts to circuit boards in two weeks


I made it! 🙂 Well, I made another one as you can see because the first one got a bit messed up.

Does anyone know of a good open source, clean, easy to install and use (straight forward) web CMS?

Does anyone know of a LMS (life management system) with the same attributes? If you answered “yes” to either of the previous questions, please don’t hesitate to share it with me 🙂

We are currently doing construction on our kitchen. Hmmmm…

We had another fabulous open house at the lab today. This time the lab was full. I taught an intro to design class for a small group while others worked on t-shirts. Now that several folks have got their t-shirts finished I’m hoping to move us on to fabbing circuit boards. Now that’s what I call an exciting project!


I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field and don’t notice it.

I’m still trying to figure out how I feel about the fact that my baby brother has hardly bothered to acknowledge my existence since he’s been gone. I talked to him once, but he’s talked to everyone else in my house multiple times since (so it seems). I’ve heard that he’s doing very well, for which I’m glad. It would be strange if he started missing me or home or anything like that. I would have to wonder what was wrong. Which part of him wasn’t my brother. Where I’d failed him as a sister. We are destined to intense wanderlust and a “no strings attached” attitude. As long as I leave that thought there and don’t dwell on the niceties supposedly due those who changed your diapers, I will be fine. (Hey, I called my mom when I was away.)

I really like the line “I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field and don’t notice it”. It probably does – or at least makes him sad. Sometimes I just notice how much there is to do in this world, to see and experience. So much to live. So many people to meet. So much to learn. It should be impossible to be bored. 🙂

I’m noticing how incredibly “chatty” I can be vs how very “observant” (an euphemism for quiet) I can be. Dear me. This realization comes after I was referred to as “the quiet one” at church today. I hope some of you got a good laugh out of that one. Seriously, there was nothing to say.

Like I promised, here is a picture of my new Moleskine planner:
I’m excited about using it. I’m taking control of my life! (or something inspirational like that)

Yes, it has been a long time coming. I have an exciting picture for you all:
Yes, Neil (Dr. Gershenfeld) visited our new lab! So does that grant us a new level of officialness? At any rate, Eli is teaching us Blender so he has been/will be back a couple times. We’re teaching all of our board members how to use the software and machines.
This Sunday, during our open lab time we’ll be teaching basic design using Inkscape. You can put the designs on t-shirts or whatever you’d like.

Here is a design I created for a t-shirt. I cut it out in vinyl to make the silk screen. I’ll post pictures of the t-shirt when I’m done.


My Glass Slippers

My friend sent me this cute little quote today. It reads as follows: “Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life.”

My life is changing so – I guess it’s time for a new pair of show-stoppingly gorgeous, perfectly beautiful, goddesses-in-their-own-right shoes to help out.
Pour La Victoire baby 🙂


I thought about it a few seconds longer and changed my mind. My glass slippers look more like this:

This change in my life is all about hard work. It’s about carrying myself well, getting where I need to go, getting done what I need to get done. It’s about discipline, focus, training. It’s about being flexible, getting a grip and staying in motion.
My glass slippers are supportive, and durable. They’ll keep me protected and mobile. If I were to loose one somehow (dancing?), it’ll have a micro chip in it so they’ll know it’s mine. 🙂

I’m immensely thankful. My fever broke today after 5 days (4 with high temperatures and 2 with even higher sustained temperatures). I no longer feel like a dragon of sorts and am not having very thin (relating to the mental barriers between real life and other life) dreams about Narnia like lands. I’m perfectly fine. The last time something similar happened, I didn’t get out unscathed. But that was when I was little.

I was a little bit warm/weak this morning but by the time I finished the latest order of stuff for the lab, I was almost normal. This ordering process did happen to include a time intensive (I won’t tell you just how much time I speak of) and at best, traumatic journey throughout the mazes of DigiKey in the search for a “red 5 mm led” (yes, I dare you to search it. Do it. Go to and search it.). DigiKey is on of my favorite sites ever – because it has everything, which, in this case, worked decidedly against me. I learned a bit about LEDs however and I’m sure it helped me regain strength of some kind 🙂

I bought a Moleskine planner today. I’ll post pictures when it arrives.


Fabable Arduinos, Wireless LEDs and Other Cool Things

Yes, those are lights in the table – “Look Ma, no wires!” (Read about it and link to the article towards the end of this post.)

FAFSA must be trippin’ (as is said in the vernacular of the day). They raised my EFC. At this point I’m not sure why.

Our government must be “trippin'” as well. Word is, they’re aiming to create a new legislative body called a “Super Congress”. Click here to read about it. This body would have special powers to draft legislation. It’s supposed to be for situations like the one we’re in now with the debt ceiling debate (a political debate turned civil war(of sorts). Politicians refer to each-other as adversaries. I didn’t know we had all moved to England.) For some reason I didn’t hear anything about this provision in our Constitution.

I’m going to make a point to watch old (’80s or older) movies (in what little time I might happen to have to watch movies 🙂 ). I’ve seen two so far: The Princess Bride and Hairspray(the 1988 version).

I’m officially finished everything my school needs me to finish to allow for matriculation – and…I ordered my books today! (Super excited XD).

In other exciting news: Our first materials shipment (for the Fab Lab) came in!! I went over to MIT today to pick it up, and then spent some time in the lab testing and getting everything working. It’s so great to see how everything is coming together.
Roxbury/Dorchester/Grove Hall: the Fab Lab is moving in!
This is so great for me because it has been one of my dreams to have a Fab Lab in my neighborhood. It’s been a dream of mine for a few years. I can’t wait for our first program day!

Interesting things I found today:

A transparent film allows LEDs (and other electrical components) to be embedded in transparent materials (i.e. glass) without any apparent wiring. Check it out here.

Also, a project I am looking forwards to trying out: Fabbing Leah Buechley’s Lily Pad Sew-able Arduino design. Shelby Doyle (one of Neil’s graduate students) did it and here is her documentation. I’ll let you all know how mine turns out. This is a variation on Ed Baafi’s Fabduino project.

Here’s the Lily Pad:

Here’s the design:

Here’s my goal (from Shelby’s documentation):

Day 28
72 Dayz to go

The Atlantis (thousands of highly skilled US engineers) Gets The Pink Slip

Welcome home Atlantis – you are a national hero and treasure. In honor of this occasion, I have been commissioned with the task of informing you that – you have been laid off.
You didn’t see that coming, did you?

STS-135 Atlantis Landing (201107210007HQ)

If you’ve read my blog in the past, you know that I strongly question the wisdom of ending the space shuttle program. Unfortunately, I wasn’t consulted. 🙂

I did find this awesome, incredibly nostalgic video online however. I am really quite sad about this. I nearly cried (teared up slightly – no sobbing). At any rate – I think this is my dormant thirst for space travel coming out. Its afraid it will now go unsatisfied forever (and ever). Click here to see it

I would blog about how mechanical and computer-like the medical professionals I interacted with today were…
Ok, I will – briefly. I told the nurse that I had never had a particular procedure – and she continued to tell me I had. (No, she didn’t have any records to prove that – and I had really and truly never had that procedure). It was like trying to input data in a form where the option you need isn’t there. And then they made me take tests that, based on previous information, couldn’t possibly have been positive.

Big news: TIE Project Update! (imagine me squealing with excitement – while jumping up and down) (no – don’t, I just did and it was a little disturbing)…but at any rate: We’re really getting a summer lab! I can feel it getting closer! I sent in the order for our “Fab Lab Inventory” sourced materials which should start arriving next week. Setup on Monday, lesson plans coming soon. It’s all so exciting how it’s coming together!

Day 23
77 Dayz to go


So my dad and brother took a short trip to my grandparent’s place out in the boondocks. The awesome thing about these boondocks is that they house my grandparent’s hundred (100) plus blueberry bushes. These bushes are simply loaded with big, fat ripe blueberries. We always gorge ourselves when we visit, but I haven’t been up there during blueberry season in years. 😦 Therefore, when my dad and brother came back today with a 5-gallon pail of blueberries in tow, I was very pleased to say the least :D.
(Best thing on the planet 🙂 )

I’m tired, as I’ve spent my day in various exciting activities; these activities included: melting under oppressive heat, and searching through long lists of inventory parts and the internet to find all the pieces of a lab that are necessary for us to run this program at the YMCA. I also got a long list of scholarships for which I may be eligible. I’m going to start looking up and applying to them tomorrow. 🙂

Isn’t she a beauty?
Designed by a friend/colleague/instructor of mine (Shawn Wallace) and based on Neil’s “Hello World” boards.
I’m hoping to use these in the new lab.

Day 22
78 Dayz to go