Posts Tagged ‘ US debt deal ’

SNL, Monty Python and whomever else – please stop messing with the economy. We take this stuff seriously you know.

Well well well…we’ve bypassed the legislative branch of our government (the super committee), shot our already slow economy in the leg with an austerity package and made a huge show of precisely how non-functional our great government can be – all to avoid a default, which, we were told, would damage our gold star credit rating, shake confidence in US T-Bonds, send the markets crashing to the ground, raise our interest rates and generally cause a financial Armageddon.

So we were told. So we were told.

Days – nay hours after the potentially crippling austerity bill came out of no where and was signed into law, guess what happened? 1 out of 3 credit rating companies, Standard and Poor downgraded our credit rating from AAA to AA+. They said they did it because our legislative system is dysfunctional (a very general paraphrase). In response, and despite the president’s comforting words, the markets dove straight for the bottom – the Dow Jones lost a total of 634.76 points on the first business day after the rating downgrade (more than 5%) and closed around the 10,800 mark (below 11,000 for the first time in months).

But get this: investors sold out of the stock market and bought gold and – no, you didn’t guess it: US Treasury Bonds.

Is anybody else confused?

So are we in trouble or not? Or are we in trouble or in trouble?

Over the next few days, I’ll do my best to unscramble the code and see what I find out.


BandAid or Cure? Ouch. Someone dropped the ball.

It seems like Washington said “I can’t do it.”, got up and walked away. I’ve been reading up on the debt deal (which, by the way, is being called an austerity measure).
I am glad to see that social programs are exempt from automatic cuts, but very dissapointed that both education and infrastructure are on the chopping block, with out revenue generation.

We’re an expanding nation. Of course it costs more. What do you expect? Do you have an image complex? Embrace your size…(humor not intentional)

By the way, is having economic troubles “in” or something? Now, to be hip with everyone else do nations need to, say, get their austerity on? We DO NOT need an austerity package. Who are we? Greece? Last I checked we were in the USA.
Please read the emphasized part. This is what I’m talking about.

Oh, and now we get to have the same “doomsday” drama all over again while we wait for the details of what we’re going to have to live without:

“…the American public will no longer have jobs, cars, houses, schools, lands, food, or clothing. Times are tough, but we all have to give up a little. And by the way, vote for me. Thanks. God Bless America”

Clearly the fact that the country will not default, if this deal is passed by both houses will be a great relief for the financial markets. The promised amount of cuts is also big enough that it may keep the credit rating agencies at bay in regards to downgrading the US’ AAA credit rating. The impact on the economy are going to be contractionary as that much aggregate demand will be taken out of the economy by fiscal consolidation aka austerity.

The economics team from JPMorgan says that federal fiscal policy will subtract around 1.5% points from GDP growth in 2012.

Also this bill seems to avoid the real underlying causes of the US fiscal situation and that is the growth in entitlements and the lack of revenue being raised by the US. Both of these important factors to the US deteriorating fiscal position are not addressed here.

[Emphasis supplied]

Source: Breaking Down the Details of the US Debt Deal FXTimes

I would break down the details but Time has cast his lot as a foe to my cause.

I played guitar today until my fingertips cringed at the slightest breath of steel. Must repeat, soon. We are wayy over due for a lab update. Lots of exciting news to be told. 🙂
